Latest Industry News for Digital Architecture
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One World EA Framework for Governments
One World EA Framework for Governments In this session, Judith Jones (CEO of ATE Enterprises) will address how we build on the success of a One World ......

Innovative Enterprise Architecture in Practice
Innovative Enterprise Architecture in Practice Enterprise Architecture has long been recognised for enabling business transformation. In the designate......

Enterprise Architecture Stakeholder Engagement
Enterprise Architecture Stakeholder Engagement Enterprise Architects (EA) work with a wide variety of stakeholders. While business success is a shared......

Social Robots – Top 10 Emerging Technologies
Social Robots – Top 10 Emerging Technologies In our blog series on the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) emerging technologies we now consider Social R......

A colour for business transformation
Primary colours, a baseline colour code for business transformation In a recent marketing meeting we were discussing our Company logo. In particular t......